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Friday, February 12, 2010

The Blizzard of 2010...a recap.

So before I start writing about the snow...I am going to close my eyes and duck, because most of you will want to pummel me with a snowball, real or virtual, I am sure you will find a way to do it through the computer.

I can't get enough...the 4 feet of snow this area ended up with over the past week was a dream come true for me. I had the box of tissues out when it finally ended, like I was breaking up with a boyfriend or saying good bye to a beloved pet. I was begging God for just a little bit more, OK, ALOT more is what I really said. (ducking down and waiting for the barrage of snow and ice)....??? OK I said it, and am still alive, and guess what?? So are you...you survived the Blizzard of 2010!! And you are doing so well that you are able to read my blog :) WOOHOO!

It's not that I don't realize the severity of things that can and will come from a storm of this magnitude, it's that I think it's a beautiful display of nature. I think it truly makes me realize that in this universe that we live, we are not always in control. Nature is humbling. Nature challenges us, and makes us perform and live in a way that we aren't used to in our daily lives. Think about winter for a minute in this area. We like snow if we want to go skiing over a holiday weekend. We like an inch or so to take a beautiful winter picture of the kids. We like it Christmas morning after Santa has delivered all of his present because it makes a perfect Christmas memory, but other then that, OK clean it up and move on. I am the opposite, I hate when it melts. I hate when I start seeing the greenish brown grass peeking through what was once pure white snow. I hate going back to looking out my window and seeing browns and drab colors instead of glittery white magic! But I know this too is part of nature. It's nature's way of cleaning up after itself. See—it truly is amazing. It's like nature has it's own plowing and snow removal system, just a bit too slow for our fast paced life. Look out your window...notice the melting snow or ice, measure the difference between the drifts Thursday morning and now, they have shrunk, by the beautiful sun that is shining. All part of the plan.

Next will come Spring...and most will complain that we have too much rain. I have to admit I oddly enough I am not a big fan of rain but I love what rain creates...colorful pastel flowers, green lush grass and fruitful trees for us to enjoy all summer. Then comes Summer...and we will be wishing we had air conditioning and a little bit of ice to cool us off...ICE??? The very thing most just cursed and hated just a few short months before. Then onto autumn where Mother Nature never really seams to make up her mind...cool and crisp or warm and touch of summer. Again..we aren't in control of that either.
This colorful palette of seasons is why I love Chester County...we get a little bit of everything and no matter how humid and sticky I get in the summer, how many leaves I have to rake up in the fall, how horrible my hair is all spring from the drenching rains, or how much snow I get in my boots in the winter, I wouldn't trade it for the world. I choose to live right here, right in the middle of a wonderful community, where neighbors and strangers helped each other this past week dig out from this blizzard. Where I witnessed friends come together in person and online to pass the time while nature took it's course. Where the blizzard didn't stop people from getting married, it didn't stop babies from being born, and surely didn't stop people from celebrating life.
Maybe that is why “Nature” does the things that she does. It creates “time” that we all say we never have. We couldn't run to the store for a few extra things, couldn't go to the gym just for a minute, couldn't get that morning office routine done. It slowed us down, and was that really such a bad thing?? To bring old friends together, to reconnect parents with their kids during snow days, to allow a spouse time to make their loved ones a warm home cooked meal, for us to appreciate those people who go out in this weather, plow drivers, police, fireman, nurses, doctors, and so many more with little to no sleep and all while not getting to spend “time” with their families, and don't forget those teachers who finally got a little bit of a break, snow days show parents what teachers deal with every day x 25 kids!! Thank you teachers!! This one's for you.
So next time you start to see the snow fall...don't panic, don't scream, don't curse out the heavens, just think maybe when you asked for a little more “time” this week, this was nature's way of giving it to you.
Oh and by the way....apparently a lot of you asked for a bit more time next week....Snow is a coming Monday night!!!!! Enjoy it and your family!

Come out and enjoy a warm meal at The Bistro with our family and let us know how you feel about snow!! Check out our menu on our website, we have so many comfort foods that can really warm your belly and make all those bad snow memories melt away.

Many of you have asked....the Blizzard did shut us down for 2 days and cause us to have to reschedule some events, but it's ok...we survived and are open for business!!

Be Safe..

Snowflake Ally ;)

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